Sunday, January 10, 2016

It Starts Here

Day: Monday, 11th Jan 2016 
Time : 12.23am 

Hahaha good morning xD I'll try to make this really quick. 

So, it's been 3 months since I last updated? Happy New Year~ Or rather, that was 11 days ago. 

Right now I have the tough decision of deciding the fate of my future.
What exam am I going to take. 

(Speaking of exams, I got 2A+, 3A and 4B+ for JHSA. Not the best results (though I'm getting awarded for it), but that's my own fault.)

I've thought about for a loong time, to the point my friend told me that I'm too much of an over-thinker (and even my family is pretty annoyed). It's hard, though! 
This exam decides your future, your whole life. Pros and cons of SPM, pros and cons of IGCSE. 

I don't know what I'm going to do yet, tbh. I went to the Star Education Fair the past weekend, but I'm still not sure. 
Maybe I'll take IGCSE. 
In sha allah it's the right choice. 

My parents just returned from Italy, today. They bought me a handbag, which is quite cute. I'm glad they had fun :) 

Last month I also attended Comic Fiesta, which was also fun!! For me, anyway. I've recently been really into Osomatsu-san, so seeing it during the con was exciting. I met a lot of my favourite artists! 

Aaah, also.. Cross Country is this Sunday! It'll be a year since I've made this blog, huh? How time flies uwu 
Hopefully I'll do really well!!! 
Also, I'm house captain this year! By vote. Honestly, I wanted to be house captain next year to compete w my own friends, but this is my rezeki. I hope
I'll be a good leader too!! 
I'm joining badminton and volleyball, wonder how that's gonna work out.. 

I'll try to update soon, it's pretty late. 
Good night! 

End: 12.32am