Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Exam Week!

Starto: 7.38pm
21st May 2014

Hey, evryone!
Lots of things have been going on (HAHAHA not really- more like, I have lots of things I missed out on blogging) for eg, this week has been the week of my exams!
Not anything crucial, just my First Semester Exams :)
Alhamdulillah (Remember to say that, kids!) it is going quite well for me!! Mehbe :'D
I dunno.. I feel like I've been pretty confident in these past exams (good or bad thing?).. Even if I get anything wrong, it's all in the past and all I can do is try harder! (YEAAHHH!)
They end this Friday, with Islamic Studies as the last subject (I can hear everyone screaming "MERDEKA!").

EEPPP Although, I am extremely worried for Math! In sya allah, I'll be able to pass with flying colours ><

Oh yeah, a few days ago (Last Sunday..?) it was Mothers' Day!
Funny thing was, my mom reminded me.. (Sorry, Mom!)

It went like:
"Hey (Me), do you know it's Mothers' Day today?"
"//OOPSIFORGOT// Umm.. evryday is Mothers' Day!"
Que laughter.
"That's so cheesy!"
Aww, I love you too, Mom >w<

Funny thing was, Mom reminded me on the wrong day..
Heh. We ended up celebrating twice~

Hrmm.. other than that, not much has been on.
Exams this whole week, right?

Gotta run!
Next time: After the Exams!

End: 7.50 pm T^T

Oh yeah..
Don't forget that everyday is Mother's Day!! X)