Saturday, March 28, 2015

What's Happening

Date: 28th March 2015, Saturday 
Start: 10.56am/9pm 

Goooooodd morning! Right now I'm attending Kakngah's graduation day X) The last time I was here I was graduating primary 6 (//sobs) This place really looks like a church on the inside despite being an islamic institute :/ 
So! On what's been happening ouo 
Last week was the 'mid semester' break, and some of my friends and I went for a 5-day Sergeant camp!! I dunno whether to say it was fun or not ( ̄▽ ̄' ) It was.. memorable? In the beginning, we actually forgot to bring 2 of our tents and were left with  3, and unfortunately our camping spot was extreemeely far. I thought that the camp would have been extremely tedious by then living like that, but then one of the commanders told us to move because it really was 'too far' and in the end we moved next to the small shore overlooking the river! <3 Not those measly small rivers either, it was those big one which boats could ride on (English should really have a word to differentiate those types of rivers) 
We made do, and actually really enjoyed what we got >w< It was always sunny (which also made the days unbearably hot) but every evening my teammates and would sit next to said 'shore' and enjoy the breeze B) We also woke up every morning before subh to pray Qiyam & Subh, and had to gather in our no.4 attire by 6.30am. I kinda can't believe I managed that. 
The tests were kinda nerve-wrecking (kawad, BaSeD, ikatan and PC) but alhamdulillah we did it in the end! All of us managed to get our pangkat and we are officially sergeants B)))) 

Also (obviously), I've returned from London ahahahaha..//criesbecauseididntwriteaboutit
I really should have!! aaGGHHHH *regret*
I guess I can just remember from memory and my photos //shineshine
I especially loved going to the Natural Museum of History (was that the name?) 
It was very fun!! We saw real fossils from all types of dinosaurs and learn about precious gems and the Earth <3 
Have I written about this before? It feels like I'm repeating this -.- 

Just realised after reading my other posts, I x update about Sports Day! Well for starters, volleyball and lower badminton doubles (both which I entered)  achieved (or, I achieved) 1st place!! YeaaaaaaahhHHHHHH B))) 
I also entered 800m lowers but let's not talk about that.. ( ̄▽ ̄)

In the end (I've said that like, 3 times?), Uhud got 3rd for Puteri, and..last for Main u_u We'll try again next year!! 

..Aaaah that's all?? Everything that's important anyway ehehehehe X) 
