Friday, January 24, 2014

Today and Tomorrow *groaann*

24th January 2014, Friday. 

So.. how have you all been doing? When was the last time I posted? Last week, I think..

I'll just tell you some I the interesting (?) things today--

I cried a lot. 


Well, just now, during Science, the Teacher wasn't around, so my whole class just talked and finished our h/w and stuff.. 

At*, Am* were sitting in front of me, and At* gave P*, who sits next to me, Am*'s book which she wanted the both of us to read. So, we read it, and it was just so FUNNY XDXD It was her Catatan book (Malay.. Diary Book?). All the nationals had to write a 'catatan' (diary entry?) as our homework. When I read Am*'s, I couldn't stop laughing at the end. 

It was supposed to be 'funny', it was a sad poem. You know, about how you and I live in different worlds, you're the prince and I'm the commoner, I love you but you probably don't know about me, blahblahblah. 
Our Malay Teacher wrote 'Sedihnya!' (So sad!) at the end. 

What he didn't know what that Am* was a K-POP fan, and she wrote that to one of her favourite celebrities. 
It may not sound funny, but it WAS. X'DX'D I apologise for the fact I don't know how to make people laugh when I'm writing. 

Another thing, At* and I were talking, and she started saying stuff about her mom being a total 'daredevil'. Her mom loves rollercoasters and such, while At* is like 'No way!'. 

Such an awesome mom 0.0 

No promises I'll be like that, but you can maybe count on it! CX My lucky (?) kids.. 

So continuing, I started talking about how I wanted to skydive one day, and then At* said she wanted to bungee jump. Ai*, who had come into the conversation, said she hated rollercoasters and dangerous stuff like that because she was.. afraid of dying? I dunno. She started lecturing us about all the accidents and reports. Sorry, Ai*. I still love em'. 
    Then, At* said that nowadays they make people bungee jump over water, THEN she continued "Because if they don't they from the jump, they die from drowning!" Both of us laughed so hard at that moment. HEY, it's not because we enjoy the thought of people drowning, its how she said it at that moment that was funny. Haaaa~~~

Ugghhh tomorrow I have that MSSD running to do. 5km! Well, its the same as the Cross Country run, but N* told me that they don't give you water TT^TT 

I'll just have to try, I guess :D GAMBATTE-'TTEBAYO!!!

Also, I still haven't decided if I wanna join that Tahfiz class.. and they're going to reshuffle the people who are going there on MONDAY.. Eep. 

I'll do it on Monday :'D

Lastly, I just listened to 'Sakura Addiction' and 'Night Star' by HIbari Kyoya and Rokudo Mukuro, and 'Kufufu No Fu' by Rokudo Mukuro.. *fangirls* X3X3X3

I predict I'll tell you about tomorrow.. so until then! 
Kufufu No Fu!~

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

This is Me 'Thinking Too Hard'

21/1/2014. Tuesday. 7.36pm

Lots of things have been going through my mind today. Where shall I begin? 

Uh, I think first of all, I'll tell you I've been chosen to be in the MSSDs this Saturday! (When I heard it was this Saturday, I was like 'WHAAAAAATTTT??!!!'. I mean, seriously! That is definitely not enough time for me to train and whatnot.) 
     I guess I'm glad, but when the thought of you just being in because those with potential didn't bother PLUS battling lots of other schools who train harder than our school does.. Really demotivates ya. TT^TT 

Anyway, like the title of this post says, I've been thinking. 

1) Well, now I have to decide whether or not to join the 'Tahfiz Class' this year. By tomorrow. Actually, I have no idea when its due. But soon. REALLY SOON. 
    The Tahfiz class is basically a class where people who want to devote more time to the Qur'an go. Of course we still learn the same syllabus, but a little faster than the other in hopes to keep up.. or is it the fact that we learn slower that we learn faster? bhjdsbhdsbhdshs idk anymore. Just try to get it. 
    So my decision now is to join or not. The other 4 girls who were also 'chosen' have already sent their forms. I'm the only one now. 
   Here is why I want to join, but I also don't want to join...:

Join!: -N* and S* are there! (They're mah best buds :D) 
         - There are only us five girls and a few boys. (More space!)
         - I don't have to deal with the people I don't like.. well, I do.. but only during                   break.
        - It's pretty good bcuz now I can focuz on becoming a Hafizah! (a female who has                memorised the whole Qur'an.) 
        - We'll be learning using the ELP program, where the students learn 'faster' than the             others and go on trips and etc..
       - We'll graduate when we're Form 4, I think? (Next 2 years~)

X wanna join..: -N* AND S* ARE THERE (now I have to compete against the best                         student in our form (which I have been trying to do so for the past 3 years)                          and the smartest math girl?? (she is pretty smart in other aspects, I                                   guess..))
                      -I'm not going to be with Ai* anymore TT^TT 
                        (Here is my explanation for that. You see, Ai* is my really, really, really, really, REALLY x1000000000 'good friend'. I wish I could call her my best friend, but I can't, because she doesn't feel that way.. plus she has her own best friends :'). I really like to talk to Ai*, because she's so funny and it's fun to talk to her! Plus, she and I have a lot of the same interests ;) So, I'll really miss her if I go to Tahfiz class.. I can still meet her during break, but I can't laugh around and talk with her during free time in class like these past few weeks.. That makes me really sad, honestly. must be thinking that this is a pretty dumb reason, but its kinda important to me. I got really happy at the fact Ai* got 'mad' at me when I told her I was thinking of leaving. She even called me her 'nakama' (companion in Japanese). :D:D:D:D:D 
    She told me that she respected my choice whether I was leaving or not, so... yeah. 
                    -I already like my class, really. 

TT^TT It looks like the advantages beat the disadvantages. Why did I do a crying face. 

2!) Ai* told me in the 'hall' just now, that when she looks at N* and I together, she sees 'childhood friends' but not 'close friends'. 

   So, I don't have any close friends?  

I guess that's not the case, but I feel that I'm close with N*. How do you appear to be close to someone?? 
   Childhood friends but not close friends? I don't understand. 

But I guess it's the fact that I feel we're close that matters ;) 

ALSO, hahahahaha guess what happened today!!
So, I'm a prefect at school, and next Thursday is the prefect investiture. 
The prefect investiture is basically some 'appreciation day' for the Prefects. 
My sister (the head prefect) told us we were getting gold and black JERSEYS!!

Yay!! It's something to be excited about, whaaattt :D:D:D

My sister asked me at school just now what number I wanted on the back. 

I SAID 27. 


If you watch, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, you'll understand what I mean X3

27 is the number of the main character always 'has', I guess. Like on his clothes, his jacket number he always wears is '27', the gloves he wears (watch the anime) has '27' on it. In fanfictions, for some reason every main character has a number, so to find out what the pairing is in the story (mostly yaoi...) you look at the description. (1827 = KyoyaxTsuna, etc)

I'm pretty happy. 
But still confused about what my decision should be though... 

Now I have to go and publish this, then erase this from the history to prevent my siblings from finding out about this blog. Which they probs will soon. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER>

So, Ja Ne!~~ (See ya!) 

{I guess you can connect the dots and find out I am an otaku. Now you'll understand in my future posts.. Bai.} 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Isn't As Fun As I Thought..

13th Jan 2014. 

So, you wanna know what isn't fun? 

Staying home. 

Ya know, I pictured it'd be much better than what I'm doing right now. 
I think I'm bored and lonely T^T Plus, now I have homework to do -,- 

Oh well, the jokes' on me, I guess... *defeated* 

Now, I'm just sitting on my sister's bed with a computer on my lap, unbathed and its already 1pm (don't follow my example in this, kids!). 

It's so quiet and boring T^T I should've gone to school..

To see my friends, of course. 

I guess I have some cool stuff to write about. 

You know that Cross Country I was practising for? 

I got Number 5 for the 5km run!! Boo yah! 

I thought I'd get somwhere in the 'teens' (mind you, I mean numbers like thirTEEN, forTEEN, etc..) because of what looked like a lot of people in front of me. 

I would have been 4th, but the girl in front of me took advantage of how tired I was when I was running up the hill T^T 

OH well, still top 5, right :D

But there are downsides to that, see? 

Now I have to enter the MSSDs. 

See, the reason why they do this CC thing, is to find out who has potential to represent the school. The problem is, the people with potential might just be too lazy. 

I don't wanna feel that I won because some people were lazy, alrite? -_________-

Also the downside, now everywhere on my body hurts. 
Thighs, stomach, elbow joints.. yep. 

Oh well, its also my fault. I kinda forced myself to make sure I would win.. 

DETERMINATION!!!! (Y) <--- now you can take my example kids (y)(y)(y)(y)

Oh yeah, the MSSDs (Majlis Sukan Sekolah Daerah, I think? Uh, National School Sports Program?) where you have to run with a bunch of schools and the winner will represent the country and yadayadayada. 

Oh boy, I definitely won't survive. *defeated again* 

Er, now I have to eat lunch and take a bath, so..

Bai. 0------0

"Well, that was a short post."
"Well I'm sorry my life is so BORING!"
"Then, make it interesting, you dimwit!"
"Don't call me 'dimwit', baka!" 
"Who're you calling 'baka', dimwit?"


Oh yeah, kids.
If you ever think "Mom used to be so lame." or "She's trying too hard." 
Internet, Anime, Your Phone, whatever. 
*watches you* 
LOL jk.. 

or at least, Mom must be cool now, right? ;) 
Wait, right? 

Idk, I x tell the future -,-

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Recently on 'TheBlogThatIForgotAbout'...

7th January 2014. Tuesday.


What I'm like, 'boggled' about is the fact that I still have a blog? Didn't I delete all of em'? 
Oh well. Less work, I guess (y).  Lol I just realised I used 'boggled' and 'blog' -w-

So, the reason I decided to make a blog (or at least.. decided to continue) was that I had this random thought in my head to start a blog so that my future children can read all about their young mom's life. 

Aren't I thinking too far. -,- Meh.

Remember, your mom was a planned-out GENIUS o)-----(o XD

Anyway, since I'm starting this when I'm 14, my children will get to read aaallll the way from my teenage years. Too bad I won't be posting any privately hilarious stuff -w-.
(I know that my mom might get mad at me for thinking about something so far into the future.. hhmmmmm....)

In sya allah I'll still be posting when I'm 20 years old. (6 years in le future~~~)

So, updates for what has happened? 

Just last Thursday, my family and I came back from Switzerland/France/Qatar. We went to see beautiful snow!! Well, the main reason we went to France was because none of us have seen snow before, so.. (Y) opportunity! I don't think I imagined just how cold snow was supposed to be. I think I almost got frostbite T^T. It was fun though! 
Alhamdulillah we came at the PERFECT time, because the pressure was high when we were there = blue skies and sunshine! 

I think it's our first time (or at least my first time) spending the New Year's overseas. 

Hmm.. today was the first proper day of learning (y/n?) I guess it's better to be productive -w-

In the morning, we had training for our CROSS COUNTRYYY whoopwhoop 
We hadn't even run that far (maybe 2/3/4km? Idk how far it was, dude.) and I was already tired. 0----0
I must be so unfit T^T For some reason I'm all health conscious now.
Probably cuz I'm aiming for top 15! Mostly because last year I got 17th, so I'm aiming lower (y)
Good thing N* was there.. motivation! *high five!*

Just so you know kids, Aunty N* (or whatever she wants you to call her..)  is one of Mom's beesstt frriieenndds. So if I say that we're gonna go to her house so we can visit her, we're gonna go visit her ):D Mom wants to see her beessttt buddyy *hahaha* 
Doncha go complaining, kay? What if your kids didn't wanna follow you to see your best friend?  CX

I brought a bottle of water with me, and N* told me not to drink it while I was running because I mite get stomach cramps.
I told her I don't get stomach cramps/ 
HAHAHAHAHA NO. 0-------------0
I don't know if you can call it a cramp, but it hurt :'D

N* frequently wanted to run faster than the other girls. I knew how she felt but honestly I was just sooooo tired T^T (yes, i think these emojis are fun to use, ALRIGHT??) 
How was she so --fit--? (actually can you call it fit? I'll just ask how she is able to run faster than me.. hn.) 
Anyway, I think I did a good job catching up with her at least :D

Spent the day learning, but I think I already told you guys that. 

Also, S* (also my best friend) and N* are in a different class..
Near the guy stairs (ours is near the girls'...)

Well there goes 2/3 of mah 'group' gone.
Although everyone in my class seems more friendly than last year. 

Hopefully I will survive *eye of the tiger music plays in the background*

Also, I was the only one in the whole 5 forms wearing a black tudung. 
Well who's gotta look like the rest of em'? Mmm hmmm B)

This gurl is out *snaps fingers*

(11.58pm.  Mom is gonna kill me. )