Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015 is here!

Date: 1st January 2015, Thursday 
Start: 12.38am 

As the title says.. 

haPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONNEE! It's officially 2015, and now everyone has to get used to writing '2015' instead of '2014' and putting up with messing up what year it is XD 
May Allah make this year better than last year, accept our do'as and help us start fresh with this new chapter! 
In sya allah we'll stop procrastinating and try to reach our gooaalss owo 
Reach for the stars, or to infinity and beyond! X))) 
{my eyes are getting droopy.. Ahahaha //yawn} 

Also, ive finally started a dream journal! I think having one of these is very interesting <3 you (almost) dont forget your dreams and you can always reread them and wonder 'how did thAT happen??' And depending on the dream youll either laugh about it or get extremely weirded out by your self (υ◉ω◉υ) #sofun 
I already have 2 long entries XD 

Anyway, happy new year again and goodnight everyone! <3 
Assalaamu'alaikum :) 


Sunday, December 21, 2014

International Horse Show

Date: 22nd December 2014, Monday 
Start: 6.36pm

Waiting for one of my apps to finish loading.. 

Anyway, I remember something now! :D
It was in September and I didn't write anything then ahahahahaa.. 

On the 27th of September, there was the International Horse Show! My best friend and I joined, along with some kids from the Vocational students. We trained intensely for weeks before, not stopping even in the rain! 
The actual thing was pretty cool :DDD There were food trucks and everything! I had a lot of crepes from this one food truck (~-w-)~ 
My dressages (I was entering 2) were on 2 separate days, so I could somewhat 'relax' on the day I didn't have it. AARRGHHH i wish i told this right after i had it because i really cant remember much OTL 
On my first dressage the weather wad pretty bad and my horse went out of the arena, so I was disqualified. Which was pretty sad TT^TT I cried in front of the Vocational students and my mom which was embarraasssiinnggggg /(>~<)\ AAGHHHHHH I guess I was pretty disappointed in myself and what happened because I wanted to do my best TuT Oh well, that was my first one anyway so I can always do it again :) 
My 2nd one was a little better; the horse went out of control again but I managed to continue :) The judge was also nice enough to let me continue because she understood that the conditions weRE pretty bad for the horse //phew 
I remember that I was vveerrrrrRRRYYYYYYYYYYY awkward with the Vocational students (especially the guys) because they were Form 5 and they spoke in Malay a lot and it was just rly weird O.o I can imagine im still pretty awkward ( ̄▽ ̄) They were really nice to me and my friend though! >w< 

  As for present times, rn I'm reading this one Manwha called 'One Last God Kubera' or 'Kubera' for short. Its rly sad and feel-ey and depressing and my heart is just //squeeze (இдஇ`。) Dahlah im also listening to this japanese song called 'Hirari Hirari' (Flowing, flowing) which is also a sad, piano song on repeat TTwTT
I love that theres this one yandere in the manwha tho lol <3 
Recently theres also this other manga or rather anime thats pretty sad but touching too ⁽⁽(ཀ д ཀ)⁾⁾
Its called Donten Ni Warau (Laughing Under the Clouds) but theres nothing to 'warau' abooouuuutt :;(∩´﹏`∩);:
There are traitors and deaths and plot twists evERYWHERREEE gAHHH 

  Also, my friend's birthday is today! I stayed up until 12AM because I wanted to be the first one to say it to her X) She woke up 7 hours later and she was really touched <3 Mwah love ya tooo~ B))) 

That's about it I guess! My mom said we'd go out at 3pm but I guess thats not happening //sadface 

Assalamu'alaikum and ciao!~ 

End: 6.50pm 

These past 2 months~

Date: 21st December 2014, Sunday 
Start: 6.28pm 

//sigh Originally I had written a lot yesterday, but I didn't save it OTL Which means I have to rEWRITE IT ALL again TT^TT 

There's gonna be a laaarrgee time skip between my last post and this post XD 
   So, let's get starteedddd! 


1) After the exams
•I originally wanted to write this when it was AFTER THE EXAMS, but as you can tell I either forgot or I was lazy XD Anyway, while waiting for all of our results, the whole school was pretty laidback. Nothing to learn after the exams, so my friends and I played card games a LOT XDD We played Snap, Liar, Monopoly Deal, Uno, Boggle Slam and Old Maid. I remember we played Monopoly Deal evERY DAY o(`ω´ )o Haha lol XD We still had to come to school though, because of course you can't exactly skip school. Our class moved to the main building becauss they wanted to use our class for some SPM students, so we were in the floating class next to 2D. Fun times..~ X) 

2) Performance Day and Chrysalis Nightt 
• My school's performance day was at Dewan Sri Perdana, which was surprisingly close to my school! Makes it easier for the parents to come I guess..
I remember that the bathrooms were really fancy and everyone was being really jakun, because they had automatic doors (=゚ω゚)ノ 
This year I finally got to beat my rival too!! TWICE!! 💪💪💪 I got No.1 for both semesters, meaning I got 'Best Overall Form 2' as well -w- I also  got 'Best for Science' and 'Best for Geography'! 
I also remember that I saw one of my old.. - Uh, crushes? That changed schools- and I bolted to the front of the hall. Not that I like him anymore if that's what you're thinking ( ̄▽ ̄) I'm just not ready to talk face to face or even make eye contact //sweatdrop 

Chrysalis Night was for our school's 20th anniversary! It was the first one evER, and basically it was a night full of performances and special guests.. I did a KRS performance with some of my seniors and friends :) It was held in the same hall as the Performance Day. The dikirbarat by the senior guys was really cool X)) 

3) Leadership Camp 
• This was around the end of November I think? It was a Tahfiz and Prefect Camp at Dusun Eco Resort. We spent 3 days there I think.. It was also kinda laidback XD We had 5 meals a day in the canteen and we slept in cabins. There were bunk beds and I slept on the top one under the fan 👍👍👍 


1) My Sleepover 
• I'll say that quite a lot of things happened in December! On the 2nd of December, my friends and I had a sleepover at my house (of course). We planned this since long ago, because we wanted to have a 'movie night'. Reserved for my classmates and I only (6 ppl) B) 
Unfortunately, one couldn't make it and two of em couldn't sleep over (but they could come for the next day). So it was just my other two friends and I. It was kinda fun XD We had smores and fruits and popcorn, and I insisted we watched the movies theyve neVER SEEN B4 like Coraline and Anastasia 
The next day my other 2 friends came, and we went outside when it was hot and sunny and we played with water balloons and the hose :DDD We also took videos with my phone in slow moe and sent pictures to my friend who didnt come XDDD and then we watched another movie my friends have never watched (Hercules -seriously they need tah get with da timmeesss 😆😆😆) We also had a friendship quiz where if you get the answer wrong the opponent gets to draw on your face with face paint (now thAT was fun😂) 

2) The Majestic Hotel 
• I can't remember exactly when whAT  happened, but we went to the Majestic in December because my mom went to see  Anuar Zain's concert. My mom also got a discount and we got a room in the grAND SUITE B)))) <3 It was on the highest floor and there was a living room and 2 bedrooms and the view was.. Not that amazing actually, but it was still pretty sweet :DDD The soap and shampoo were pretty cool; the shampoo smelled like cucumber-mint, the conditioner of watermelon, the soap of pomelo and i cant remember what the lotion smelled like.. They should have chosen better fruits to use tho TuT 

3) PRINT 2014 
• This was pretty recent, in fact i came back from it like, 2 days ago. PRINT stands for PeRkemahan INTernational. It was basically a KRS camp with lots of competitions between Indonesia, Thailand and lots of schools in Malaysia. We trained from the 8th and did a lot of Kawad and BaSeD training. It was our first time joining PRINT, so we didn't rly expect ourselves to win ^^ 
There were a lot of competitions, like orienteering, kawad, based, masakan rimba, gajet, pc kem kraf and an obsrace. We only entered kawad, BaSeD, kem kraf, pc, masakan rimba and orienteering. The only thing I didn't join was masakan rimba. It was really fun! Alhamdulillah we used a dapur instead of having to make our own fire //sighofrelief So we ate well X) All the other schools must have been told beforehand or were at PRINT before, because they were sO much more prepared than we were OTL They brought their own bamboo and a lot of water, when we foRGOT TO BRING WATER ( ̄▽ ̄') 
As I thought we didn't win anything, but we dID take a lot of pictures and it we have a lot of memories <3 Plus I'm reeaaALLYY tan now (╥ᆺ╥;)

So yeah! That's all I can remember XD Now I can focus on here and now ((finally) ) OTL 💪💪💪 I'll write more if I remember some more X) 

Assalamu'alaikum! <3 

End: 8pm 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Some things I remember now!

Date: 19th October 2014, Sunday 
Start: 11.26pm 

This'll be a quick one hopefully (´・Д・)」

Anyways, I remembered something that I forgot to talk about! 

Last last week? Idk somewhere in between September and October.. Anyways, last last week my school had a week-long semester break! My parents took us to Pulau Langkawi >w< 

It was really fun! 

First of all, I like the fact we went somewhere by plane, even if it wasn't overseas.. Going somewhere by plane just makes it feel more exciting, ya know? 
Other than that, my mom had booked the executive pool suite on the first floor! We had a private pool and the room was really pretty :D 
actually, make that 2 executive pool suites.. My mom booked one for herself and Daddy and the other one for us kids 👌 

There were a lot  of monkeys, and multiple times they came in and stoleour   food! ((It was scary, man..)) The hotel people said they were naturally aggressive >~< 

The afternoon that we came was quite sunny, and then in the evening until the second last day of our trip, it started raining! Only on the last day it was extremely sunny and warm OTL Perfect, right? Hahahha X)) At least I got to swim in the sea on the last day.. The tide was unusually high and Mommy unusually allowed to swim! It was fun actually :D

I remember that we went for a boat ride, and we saw bats and eagles and mudskippers and cool-looking islands! We also stayed a lot inside the room, which was okay since there was internet and the pool anyway lol o(`ω´ )o

I think that's everything since I don't wNt to go into detail too much.. Goodnight!~ 

End: 11.38pm 

We got some catching up to do!

Date: 19th October 2014, Sunday 
Start: 5.55pm

Wow! Its been 2 months since my last post already? Time sure does fly lol ((I sound old 😱)) 

Hrrmm.. Argh it really is inconvenient that I don't right everything that happens straightaway! I'll try harder next time..?      -w- 

I'll start with the earliest thing I can remember.. The International Horse Show! It was held on the . Nurul and I were joining 2 dressages, Prep A and B. It may be international, but we were just representing Adni haha X) 
For two weeks (before the event), we trained morning and evening, come rain or shine, at MAEPS. If you can tell, we both missed 2 weeks of school OTL I remember training in the rain and I got totally soaked! 
We trained with students from a school called Vocational College Kajang who were also participating.. 😅 It was 2 werks of embarrassing and awkward moments (with the guys from that school.. They were Form 5 and we were Form 2 and for some reason they were so friendly! It was good and bad at te same time //sweatdrops), tiring days, new friends and lots of new experiences! 

The whole event was held at the Selangor Turf Club (STC). On the first day, not much was ready. I think it was on a Thursday, the day of my first dressage, Prep A. Skipping ahead, I got eliminated, because my horse got frightened and went out of control! It got out of the arena, and I was eliminated.. Yeah. It was a rough and depressing moment for me, because I was trying to do my best. :/ I guess that day was just not my day, huh? At least next time I'll 'know' what to expect? X) 

The next day (Friday), was a free day for me. So Kak Alia and Kak Zai (from the Vocational School) followed me to look around the place.. Which was actually really cool! There were food trucks, a rock-climbing area, booths and game booths (Like in those American fairs/carnivals!), food booths and etcetc. There were places where you could learn more about horses, and take pictures with some of them, and there was a flying fox and horse carriage rides! 

The next day, it was my next dressage, Prep B. It was held in a different place, but I don't know why. Anyway, it was better than my first dressage. My horse, Laima, still got afraid of something, but at least I still managed to continue the dressage and thankfully, the judges were nice enough to let me continue! 

I don't know if I won any prizes for my 2nd dressage because I went back early.. And I don't think I did because nobody is telling me, so yeah. (´・Д・)」

Well that's done! What else to say? 
Next week is my exams? I'm praying and studying that I'll beat my rival and get the best overall achiever award! I want people to know I can be just as good as her and not to sound vain, but maybe even better (Because some people keep choosing her over me -3- and I think its because of their biased thinking.. Or its just me?) If I finally beat N once and for all (Well, I beat her last semester.. Twice and for all?) I can show them that I am da best!! 👌

If I think of anything else then I'll write it later, so.. Bye! 

End: 6.30pm 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Today is Monday.

4th August 2014, Monday. 
Start: 8.42 PM 

I wish they made an extra week-holiday, but they didn't. //cries 
So today I had to get up and go to school ((/ ̄▽ ̄))/ 

Writing this.. Should I post everyday? Last post I felt like I should just post once a week, but then I'd probably forget a lot..

Ah, sorry-- Went to pray Isya' ^^ 

So I guess I'll just post as much as I like! Nyehehehe X3 

Well, today was kinda unenventful. The first two periods I had were missed cuz the teachers weren't in the classroom, so we just did our own thing. 
During part of that time, my friend and I fangirled a bit about this one manga I recommended to her that she also fell in love with (=゚ω゚)ノ (Ouran Koukou Houstu Bu! Have I said that already..?) We were discussing the characters and which one was 'ours' lol XD That's what you get with fangirls ;) 

(By the way, I'm part of the Hitachiin family (≧∇≦)) 

N didn't come today, which was kinda sad (Though I'll never tell her that 💁) But it was okay, because they are my other friends too :) 

My friend asked me for advice today, which was kinda scary for me because I am TERRIBLE AT GIVING ADVICE (Or so I think :/ ) and I'm afraid I'll give bad advice (u_u) Though when I told her that she probs shouldn't come to me for advice she said that I actually give good advice and even if I don't she's more comfortable talking to me than anyone else in my class~ //sparklyeyes ^^ Aww, I'm flattered ;) 

I still don't believe her though ( ̄▽ ̄)

During PE, we had to do some exercise for this one activity, and I can't remember the name ==' But I think in summary se had to go up and down a bench (One foot up, and then go back down and repeat) in 3 minutes owo I'm pretty proud of myself for doing it 102 times in 3 min! :DDDD  
After that I actually had Badminton today, but I decided to miss it cuz of a bad migraine.. But at 5.20, my two friends came over to tell me the bus was about to leave and I should hurry! I was kinda touched by their gesture to come tell me, but I didnt reaaalllyy wanna go ( ̄▽ ̄) But then it would have been a waste of their time, so I decided to get ready and get to it. 
When I got to school, my two friends Q and A who were sitting on the stairs (they  are also in the Badminton club) 'scolded' me for being late. They were actually the ones who told my two other friends to come fetch me and then they waited for me!! 
 When we rushed to the place where the van should have been, it was goneeeee! T^T 

For some reason the way I'm telling it makes me sound like this is a storybook..

Anyways, I felt really bad they missed Badminton because of me! I said sorry a lot, and they said it was fine, but I still didn't feel good ;--; We ended up walking to the Netball court where the netball team was  playing and also where our Form 2 friends were to kill some time. 
I honestly wanted to go home, but I'd feel bad for making them miss Badminton and then having the nerve to leave them at school TwT 

I was mostly worried about A, because when we were younger she used to sulk a lot about these kinds of things.. But she seemed pretty okay.. With her phone and earphones ( ̄▽ ̄) 

Later the rest of the club went home early, and the only people left from the team where form 2s. At first I didn't wanna play, but Q gave me a little push and I gave in -3- 
It was fun actually! Lol some girls had to become two things at once bcuz there x enough players >< I was GA (y) 
I felt less bad after playing, bcuz I guess I felt I didn't waste A and Q's time when they were supposed to be at badminton ;--; :) 
Alhamdulillah they really weren't mad, but that doesn't mean I won't make it up to them :D 

That's all for today I think.. I gotta get some work done! 

(I shud remember to end every post like that..) 

End: 9.24 PM !(◎_◎;)

Saturday, August 2, 2014


2nd August 2014, Saturday. 
Start:  8.51PM 

Can that even be a title? I wonder if you'll be able to see it on the computer.. 
Anyway, hi kids! (I sound so old when I say that.. Maybe I should just say 'readers'.. I'll say kids when I actually have em 👍) Hi, readers! Sorry for the hiatus (Not that anyone was keeping up anyways hahaha), but I'm back! 

I got a new phone for my birthday, and it has lots of memory so I can frequently remember to update now, YEAH! 

Oh, and SELAMAT HARI RAYA! Eid Mubarak everyone! Yesterday I came back from Nenek's house.. (Hmm.. This is for my kids, right? So I'll say things the way I want my kids to hear ^^.. Sorry other readers..?) Okay, fine. Basically, my grandma's house in Johor. We were there from Sunday to yesterday! XD It was quite fun! 
The whole family gathered at the house and we took a picture together! Also, we got to see all our little cousins, of course~ 
My siblings, my 3 cousins and I have a large age gap between us and our other cousins on our dad's side. While we are (Right now) 19 to 10, the rest are 8 to 3, so sadly, we don't connect much :/ This is because my dad has 5 other siblings, and the age gap between the others are large, so it went down into his children as well. 

I feel bad for being anti-social a bit while we were there (Bad effects of having internet!!), but I'll try harder next time! 
We got lots of duit raya heheheeh -w- I'm gonna save it for important stuff! 

Speaking of money, I have found out I am very indecisive about things ;--; For eg, during Ramadhan last month, there was an Iktikaf at the university during the last week, and one of those days I went to the 'grocery shop' with my friend, and I totally couldn't decide what I should have bought at the time! Digestive biscuits or HobNobs? Mineral water or milk? And when we went to the bazaar after that, "This tudung or that tudung?" 

I am really afraid of wasting money >~< 

Oh yeah! The other day my brother called me 'Gedik'. To be precise, he and his friend decided together that the way I act is 'gedik'. He said the way I go "Reaally??" and stuff sounds gedik. Which in my head did NOT because for us girls, you don't classify that as gedik. But to my brother who is more intellectual than he should be for his age, if I said that to him it would probably sound like I was just defending myself by saying all girls act like that.. 
But honestly, really, I was kinda reflective and depressed about it at first. Me? Gedik? I had assumed the way I acted was more 'upbeat and happy', but that sounds kinda vain, huh? Frankly, if he thought I was gedik, he should see other girls! Not to bring them down, but seriously! 
Me being me, (who doesn't remember things like that for long lol), I forgot about it, and when I did (a few weeks later..) I consulted my sister and my 'therapist' best friend. 

My sister said that the way I act is not gedik, and agreed that if it was like that, all girls are gedik, which we know we all are (heheheh). My therapist best friend said more or less the same thing. It made  me feel better (I gave them hugs~) and obviously I forgot about it again ( ̄▽ ̄)
Speaking about me forgetting things, I remember during the KRS camp there was an honest talk-activity called 'Hot Chair' or something, where the whole group has to honestly say what they feel about each person. There wasn't much time, and I was the last person, so one of the only things they wrote about me was 'Blur'. 

Thanks. -3- 

Lol Speaking of blur, it reminds me of the time in class when one of the boys teased us but N and I laughed it off and sarcastically joked, and Q said she admired me for just laughing it off like that.. Which reminds me of the time on the day I came to Iktikaf (I missed the first two days) where S told me that R and Q were fighting to be my fans ( ̄▽ ̄)
Frankly, its flattering but also.. 'Sorry, I don't want fans..' 

During the Iktikaf N wasn't there as she had to leave early, so I felt pretty lonely even though S was there, too. It was nice when all my batchmates hung around me together :) But you could say I missed N.. BUT ILL NEVER TELL THAT TO HER FACE HAH 

Thinking about Raya, im kinda sad we didnt get to go to the jamuan that day with my Moms side ;--; but oh well :) 

Oh yeah! I recently finished this one manga, and it's super funny and  angsty T^T It's Ouran KouKou Houstu Bu! AKA Ouran High School Host Club ;) My 2 friends read it after I recommended it to them, and now we have the OHSHC Alliance! Nyeheheheheh

I'll remember to update frequently now so that I don't jump from topic to topic and forget lots of events ( ̄▽ ̄) 

I forgot to add!! Remember a few posts back I mentioned that I was having my FS Exams? Well, I got #1 and I finally beat my rival, N!! After 7 long years, someone has broken her record //sparkles YATTA! Alhamdulillah!! 

Anyways, in sya allah, I'll be back soon! 
End: 2nd August 2014, 10.12 PM (I took a loonnggg break somewhere in the middle -3-)

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Jokes at 12 AM

4th June 2014, Wednesday
Start: 12.58 AM..

I'm sleepy, but also not sleepy * )--( *
Just now, at around 12 till' 12.45 AM, my Mom, my sister and I were laughing really hard about lame jokes and stuff oUo

My mom also started joking around when I started telling her my Bday List (which only consists of two things for now XD; A <NIKON> camera and those 48 Faber-Castell Colour Pencils). At the camera part, she started laughing about how she should just get me those little kid 'cameras', where you just press the button and the picture changes.

We also started went to the topic of these jokes:

》 Recently reported in the Massachusetts Bar Association Lawyers journal, the following are questions actually asked of witnesses by attorneys during trials and, in certain cases, the responses given by insightful witnesses. The following are things people actually said in court, word for word:

Q: What is your date of birth?
A: July 15th.
Q: What year?
A: Every year.

Q: What was the first thing your husband said to you when
he woke that morning?
A: He said, "Where am I, Cathy?"
Q: And why did that upset you?
A: My name is Susan.

Q: And where was the location of the accident?
A: Approximately milepost 499.
Q: And where is milepost 499?
A: Probably between milepost 498 and 500.

Q: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person
dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about it
until the next morning?

Q: The youngest son, the twenty-year old, how old is he?

Q: Were you present when your picture was taken?

Q: Was it you or your younger brother who was killed
in the war?

Q: Did he kill you?

Q: How far apart were the vehicles at the time of the collision?

Q: You were there until the time you left, is that true?

Q: How many times have you committed suicide?

Q: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?
A: Yes.
Q: And what were you doing at that time?

Q: She had three children, right?
A: Yes.
Q: How many were boys?
A: None.
Q: Were there any girls?

Q: You say the stairs went down to the basement?
A: Yes.
Q: And these stairs, did they go up also?

Q: How was your first marriage terminated?
A: By death.
Q: And by whose death was it terminated?

Q: Can you describe the individual?
A: He was about medium height and had a beard.
Q: Was this a male, or a female?

Q: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant
to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney?
A: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.

Q: Doctor, how many autopsies have you performed
on dead people?
A: All my autopsies are performed on dead people.

Q: All your responses must be oral, OK?
What school did you go to?
A: Oral.

Q: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy,
did you check for a pulse?
A: No.
Q: Did you check for blood pressure?
A: No.
Q: Did you check for breathing?
A: No.
Q: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive
when you began the autopsy?
A: No.
Q: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
A: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.

Q: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
A: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m.
Q: And Mr. Dennington was dead at the time?
A: No, he was sitting on the table wondering why I
was doing an autopsy.  《

And we were laughing so hard, from topic to topic! X'D
I didn't even realise it was 12.30 in the morning. I assumed when Mommy kept saying 'Good Night' (even though we still continued joking), it was 11 or something.
I am thankful our laughter and good mood caused Mommy to allow us to stay up that late and she did not yell at us *^*

Anyways, today was otherwise an unproductive day ;--;
I wanted to go out, but we always end up not knowing where exactly to go :'D

Mommy got fed up with us in the end, and we went out after Maghrib instead; because Mommy nicely gave in to our pleas to go our for Bubble Tea! (oUo :'/)
<Pearl Milk Tea is always yummy~>

So.. now it's 1.16 AM and I'm sleepy *zZzZ*

GoodNite, then! ><
Not exactly an adventurous day, but it was fun(ny) in the end X))
For me, anyways. (/owo)/

End: 1.18 AM

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Exam Week!

Starto: 7.38pm
21st May 2014

Hey, evryone!
Lots of things have been going on (HAHAHA not really- more like, I have lots of things I missed out on blogging) for eg, this week has been the week of my exams!
Not anything crucial, just my First Semester Exams :)
Alhamdulillah (Remember to say that, kids!) it is going quite well for me!! Mehbe :'D
I dunno.. I feel like I've been pretty confident in these past exams (good or bad thing?).. Even if I get anything wrong, it's all in the past and all I can do is try harder! (YEAAHHH!)
They end this Friday, with Islamic Studies as the last subject (I can hear everyone screaming "MERDEKA!").

EEPPP Although, I am extremely worried for Math! In sya allah, I'll be able to pass with flying colours ><

Oh yeah, a few days ago (Last Sunday..?) it was Mothers' Day!
Funny thing was, my mom reminded me.. (Sorry, Mom!)

It went like:
"Hey (Me), do you know it's Mothers' Day today?"
"//OOPSIFORGOT// Umm.. evryday is Mothers' Day!"
Que laughter.
"That's so cheesy!"
Aww, I love you too, Mom >w<

Funny thing was, Mom reminded me on the wrong day..
Heh. We ended up celebrating twice~

Hrmm.. other than that, not much has been on.
Exams this whole week, right?

Gotta run!
Next time: After the Exams!

End: 7.50 pm T^T

Oh yeah..
Don't forget that everyday is Mother's Day!! X)

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


1st May 2014, Thursday.
Start: 7.13am

Hello! Well, as you can tell, today is a THURSDAAYYY :DD
Its a public holiday, plus, tmrw is ALSO a (school-replaces wesak day) holiday!
We're currently in HHilton right noww X)
Because Mom and Dad are going to  Sydney this weekend ;---;

Probs to spend my Father's bday alone      -3-

On the plus (?) side, I can also celebrate Kyoya-kun's bday (5/5)! XDDD And HARU-CHAN'S I FORGOTTT (3/5)

Later in the day, I'm going to be out with my friends celebrating my friend's bday!
The theme is pink ^^' (im wearing somewhat of a coral colour                       ~ excuse me :D ~)
I'm glad to be somewhere doing something with them at least X)

Now that I've downloaded Blogger on my phone, I can't procrastinate!!


This is by far the earliest entry I've ever done. 7.22AM?!

I wonder if I have any readers out there.. If I didn't have any, I wouldn't mind bcause this is for my children anyway. If there ARE, I sincerely thank you for reading! Hope I don't waste your time XD

Listening to Yakusoku No Basho e right n- Now its Kufufu No Fu.

Eerrr, I don't have much to write since nothing has HAPPENED yet (One reason not to write in the morning..), so..

Tata for now?

End: 7.26am
This is a brilliant plan!

Start: 10.23am

So, just came back from HHilton :D
Right now I'm just waiting for a call from my friend (PICK UP DE PHONE ALREADDYY) and waiting for my other friend to pick me up (WHILE PRAYING THAT THE OTHER FRIEND EITHER CALL ME BACK OR MAGICALLY COME RIGHT NOWW)  X)))

Still have to buy a prezzie for At* eeepppppp :'D

Currently listening to Kyokugen Fighter!
-Tsukisusume KYOKUGEN tsukisusumu no daaaaaa-

End: 10. 27am {Shortest entry I've done lately *^*}

Sunday, April 20, 2014


Sunday, 20th April 2014.
Start' 5.32pm

Downloading Blogger on my phone is probably a good-bad thing.
Good: I probably x procrastinate.
Bad: a) Probably lots of grammar mistakes (dang i was teying to- oops there ya go)
        b) People might see it (nooooo)
        c) My phone might become sloww             ;--;

Anyways, nice to speak to my kids again (Since this IS for my kids..) as well as the readers.
Aahh I just got a scary thought.. what of I don't get kids? In sya allah I will ><

What's been going on?
Last week, I went to the orchestra! It was fun *^* It was called 'A Clown's Guide to the Orchestra'. It was kinda aimed at little kids, but it was fun anyways :D

At school, they've started a Subject YEAR. (For the first time in forever~) Usually, its a Subject Week, where basically this certain week is about a certain subject. Sometimes its a Subject Month.
THIS time, its a Subject YEAR (until the end of the year)!
I can't remember which subject is when, but right now its IT (Info Tech) and VocARTech.

This morning I was supposed to have horse-riding (which is at 10am) but I woke up at 9.45am (Wondering why my Mom hadn't woken me up like she usually did). When I asked her 'Isn't there horse-riding today?', she was like 'That's right!'.
We missed it anyways. THE WHOLE CLASS EEP.
N* said that she was the only one who came, even though Za* was supposed to come too. Whoops.

Been sad for no reason recently. I instantly tear up when I start talking about 'myself' to my Mom. You have to be me to understand what I mean by 'talking about myself', which you're not.

So.. today's Sunday. School tomorrow *^* The teachers have started saying that people should be more thankful that you go to school. Not that I'm saying I'm not thankful, but ya know, as a kid, you just can't help feeling it.

Argument closed -3-

Well, that's all for now folks!
End: 5 53pm.


..How will this look like on the computer?..

Friday, March 28, 2014

Procrastination: Level 72818493270

28th March 2014, Friday. 
Start: 9.34pm.

Just so you know, I meant the last time I 'posted'. -3- 
Which was.. on the 2nd of March?! 
Yikes, my laziness is Level 9000 *screaming voice* 
(Wait, that was how it went, right? *^*) 

Anyways, what is there to tell you?
Well, this week has been a whole week of holiday ^^ 


I cry because I've been procrastinating SO HARD LATELY I HATE MYSEELLFFF 
Stupidme T^T You've just created more work for yourself! 

Other than me beating myself up, the iSlam program is coming up :D 
It's an only female program, with MY SCHOOL (juniors and seniors alike) performing, and Yasmin Mogahed is going to give a talk *^* 
I'm seriously so excited >< 
All of my sisters and I are going to join, one way or another. 
My eldest sis is the MC, my 2nd and 3rd sis are going to be singing, I'm going to acting (hopefully!)
Auditions are on Monday, and I'm planning to become an 'Ash Tree' and a 'Host'. 

Now, you may be wondering..

Well, the performance is about people acting as trees, slowly growing in their lives.
First scene: Planting the seeds.
Second scene: Roots. 
Third scene: Trunk. 
Fourth scene: Branches. 

It's a bother to explain what its all about.. so..

In honour of Shikamaru >w< 

Although, I will tell you, there's a Beautree pageant in Scene 3. (There's even a word called 'prettrees' (pretty trees AHAHAH xpp)) 
The host I want to be is the host of the pageant, as you can tell. 


AnYtHiNg else..? 
Exams are in exactly a month. 
Full stop. 

Oh, we're gonna sing 'Let It Go' in English, Malay and Chinese during the program, too >< 
I'm thinking of memorising memorizing (?) the Japanese version so I sing that one >w< 

Ari no Mama no~ 

Note. I just had an idea! 
Everytime   Every time I miss-type something, instead of back-spacing it, I'll just cross ir it out. 
It's just more fun that way xpp (attempted to say 'funner') 

That's enogun enough for today -3-
Will try to update faster. 
For the sake of my children~ *sparkles*

Hime-s,a Hime-sama out.
*bumps chest, kisses two fingers, peace sign* 

End: 9.57pm.
(Just looked at the pageviews..
2 pageviews from N. America?! I lahve ypu you guys  *^*

Unless yu you're creppy creepy stalkers. Go Away.)  

10.03pm; Close. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014


3rd March 2014, 10.30 am. 

So, what has been happening since the Sports Day last Saturday?

Well, there were some good news!!

~My Sports House (RED) got 3rd place, after getting 4th for 9 years!! YOOSSHHH!!
3rd place is better than 4th, right? At least we managed to turn the tide!

My sister said this Sports Day this year was pretty interesting. Every house changed positions (Last year it was BLUE, then YELLOW, then GREEN, lastly RED) to First Place: YELLOW, 2nd Place: BLUE, 3rd Place: RED, then lastly GREEN! Also, this year GREEN was rebellious against something that happened within their team, (for some reason <I'm not involved>) everyone hated YELLOW (idk), and all the teachers got swapped into different houses! 

Must remember. It was the year 2014 when this happened.
Also, as you may have noticed, today is a Monday. 
And I'm not at school. 

Because it's a school holiday! *streamersandballoons* 

Guess I'll just be lounging around today, tho.. ;--;
Hmm, what else? 
Uumm, there's this one website-support-thing, that if you open the website on your phone, and just leave your phone for as long as possible, you can donate clean water to a child for one day! (10 minutes=1 day of clean water). 

It's a helpful way to get people off their phones, too!
Get off of something that you don't really need to help someone get something that's vital!

Hm..Oh yeah!

During the Sports Day, my sister, N* and this one boy got to ride horses in front of everyone for my school's 20th Anniversary. 

Lemme tell you, I was super jealous. 
They get to ride in front of everyone and show their stuff, with their proper attire and whatnot? 

Mind you, one of the reasons I was jealous was because they didn't choose me (as I am also in the Horse Riding Club). 
Another one of the reasons is because N* was doing it. 

I mean, I know she's better than me at it, but I wanted to do it, too! 

Also, I think it's also because I wanted to show off (WHICH IS VERY BAD OF ME DON'T FOLLOW MEEE!) . My ego was jealous, I guess. 
A* told me that maybe this was a test from God and there were better things in store for me. I accepted that fact and tried to keep calm, but I still had to squeeze my friend's hand (as a calming reassurance). 


Hn, this is Yaya-sama signing out. 

10.48am; CLOSE. 

Wow, what a commitment, Yaya! 
I managed to continue writing for 3 months~

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

-Insert Title Here-

26th Feb 2014, 5.23pm.

I didn't know what to name this post, so there you go. 

I was about to name it 'Forgetfulness or Procrastination?' but that has nothing to do with what I wanted to say.
(I wanted to name it that because I was supposed to post this about 5 days ago <Saturday~> but I keep forgetting.. :'D)

Anyways, last Saturday, my school held the Puteri (Girls') Annual Sports Day! 
I ran 4x100m and 4x400m. It was quite fun!

For the 4x100m, my sports house didn't win anything.. but for the  4x400m, we got 2nd! (y)
I found out I have lots of potential and can run long distances, because I have lots of stamina :DDD

Who says you need to be thin to run fast?? 
(Not that I'm fat, mind you <murderous aura>, but because it looks like I'm the kind of girl who doesn't run much. 
HEY, I got 5th for Cross Country, okay?? 0 )--( 0 )

I also got 2nd place for the Badminton Lower Doubles, and 2nd for our Volleyball Team! 
3 Silver in total, which I guess is pretty good, considering the fact I don't really practice much ;) 

Note to self: Start practising. 

I'm a pretty competitive person, so I felt quite unhappy with 2nd place, but I guess content with it. 2nd place is better than nothing! (ehemalsobetterthanthirdehem)
Ah, in the end, my sports house got 3rd place, 3 points away from the sports house that got second =='
BLUE got first, obviously HJVSHAVGKHVAHV


Oh yeah, and also just to remind myself in case I read this in the future, and also because it's a pretty special thing;

I have this one friend who (used?) to be my best friend from Primary 3. My other friends and I were like a quadruple best friends group. Me, Az*,S* and Q*. 
Over the years, we started to drift apart. Az* went to Australia, and the others hung out with other people. 
I constantly talked with Az*, so we were pretty close. S* was still my best friend, but not particularly close to me. 
Q* was also considered a 'best friend' but she constantly hung out with another 'gang'. I think she was part of them, from that point. She was less close to me than S*. 
We still called each other best friends and were still on good terms with each other, and still used our 'best friend' handshake, but you know, I guess we didn't really feel like best friends. 
   But just now, when I had a certain 'problem', I told Q* who was sitting next to me. (Oh yeah.. N* (my best friend (IF YOU REMEMBER) who is probably closer to me than Q* and S*, but no one can beat Az*!)  Q* and S* are in the same class as me) She looked worried, and she helped me all the way. She provided me with help, and without her I don't think I would've gone through that problem successfully. 
 I think she to her she was just doing a friendly thing, but it made me happy. She even asked S* to make sure to 'take care of me'! :))))

So yeah, even though she's (not? She's my good friend, but I don't think best friend can be used anymore) my best friend, she still showed concern for me. 

I know to the readers it may sound like any other friend could have done that and I would admit, I would have been still very happy that they helped, and I can't say it being Q* mite have made it any different.. but.. 

I dunno. It's quite hard to explain. 
I guess it's just something you have to experience. Even I'm also trying to re-figure out why I felt like that.

Thank you, Q*!   

--Oh yeah.. extra notes!
:Annual Sports Day this Saturday!--
:The names of my 'fans' *winkwink* are Al* and Nini. CX

So.. I'm out!

Now I'm questioning myself.. what was this post (supposed to be) about again? 
(oh yeah, also, if you've been a loyal reader and have been with me through all my recent posts, you'd have noticed that I've changed evrything to be more private. 
Names to just the first few letters, sport house is just a colour now, etc. 
And if you've just started reading, then now you know how it used to be like...?
   Oh. Then, welcome to my blog! ;)))

Also, extra note. 
Remind myself to listen to 
'Yakusoku No Basho E', 
'Special Illusion', 
and 'Right Now-Cozart and Giotto' when I'm older. 

Long post! ;D Ja ne! :3

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

And My Ego Goes Up!

19th February 2014, 10.18pm. 

Well, according to S*. She thought it might. 

What happened was, there were these 2 Secondary 1 girls sitting in front of S* and I. I had been praying Sunnah after Zuhr' when I noticed in the corner of my eye that S* was pointing to me while saying 'Comel? (cute?)' in a confused manner. 
I wanted to ask, but I forgot to afterwards. 

Luckily, S* told me what happened on her own. 

Apparently, one of the two Secondary 1 girls had a 'conversation' with S*:
S1: Kakak (S*).. Kakak (S*) bertuahlah kawan dengan Kakak (ME)!"
*points to me*
S*: Uuhh.. kenape? 
S1: Kakak (ME) cantik! 
-S* kept quiet not knowing how to respond-
S*: Uuuh, antara N* dan (ME), adik pilih yang mane? 
S1: Tak tahu, tak tahu. 
-I assume S* asked something like 'What do you think of Dahlia'?
S1: Ah, kite orang anggap dia macam 'superstar'.

S* said I was blushing (while I was laughing :DDD)

In English, the conversation went like this: 
S1: Elder Sister (S*).. Elder Sister (S*) is so lucky to be friends with Elder SIster (ME)!
S*: Uuhh.. why? 
S1: Elder Sister (ME) is so pretty! 
S*: Uuuh, between N* and (ME), who do you pick? (because usually, N* is the one who is looked up to. Well, its not usual, but its something everyone 'knows' I guess...) 
S1: We don't know, we don't know. 
S1: Ah, we think of her (me) like a 'Superstar'!

I just.. wow. Me being me, I like to (not all the time, okei?) compare myself to others, so I think this made me rethink things! I can't say I didn't act all perasan (full of myself..), because 
1) I like to act 'perasan' in front of my friends. 
2) Acting 'perasan' is the only way I know how to respond to a compliment. I don't think I'd feel right if I said "Um, thank you..?" 

My mom said they're my fans -w-

You wanna know something? 
I can't even remember their names :'D

But yeah! It was a VERY nice feeling for me :) You don't face that everyday ;)))

This morning, my sport's house (RED) got 2nd place for Volleyball! 
Not 'YEAH!' for the fact BLUE got 1st.. *ehemalsoinNetballandBadmintonwhatisdisehem*

I found out with me having urticeria, my skin cannot cope with games that apply lots of pressure to the skin (like Volleyball). 
My arm is all spotty and purple now :'DDD


Anyways, I shall inform you when I have any other good news! (y)
Until then!~ 

Okay, I just read that be the person you want your kids to be, so I'll start being a proper role model now! 

Thursday, February 13, 2014


13th February 2014, 
Start: 9.50pm

Well, hello~~

Ahahaha gomen, minna-san! When was the last time I posted? Last month, I think.. 
I keep reminding myself, but I'm just too lazzyyy CX 

Not that you should follow meh, tho 0 )---( 0  <-- that seems to be my favourite emoji nowadays...

Anyway, how have y'all been doing? YES I SAID 'Y'ALL' NO TAKEBACKS 0 )---( 0

I've been doing good.

This week was the first week for my school's Sports Day practice and point-gathering activities! 
For eg, I just came back (not literally) from badminton, this morning.


Hehehe but unfortunately I got SECOND. T^T
Hey, I'm not saying I'm 'ungrateful' or whatever, but I was really pumped up to get #1, ya know?? 

Aahh, at first when I lost, I was a little sad, but I got over it ^^

My sister's friend noticed I was sad, and she told my sister that getting second, even when I haven't been in the Badminton Club EVER, just started and am only Sec 2, is a pretty good feat. 

I'm pretty proud of myself :DDD

Badminton is a really tiring sport, actually. Running around and whatnot. Agghh I'm all tired.

What was I going to say, actually? 

Meehh I don't even remember. 

I think I'll update when I remember.. 

It's 10..

Er, okay, H/W Time now! 

End: 9.59pm

Friday, January 24, 2014

Today and Tomorrow *groaann*

24th January 2014, Friday. 

So.. how have you all been doing? When was the last time I posted? Last week, I think..

I'll just tell you some I the interesting (?) things today--

I cried a lot. 


Well, just now, during Science, the Teacher wasn't around, so my whole class just talked and finished our h/w and stuff.. 

At*, Am* were sitting in front of me, and At* gave P*, who sits next to me, Am*'s book which she wanted the both of us to read. So, we read it, and it was just so FUNNY XDXD It was her Catatan book (Malay.. Diary Book?). All the nationals had to write a 'catatan' (diary entry?) as our homework. When I read Am*'s, I couldn't stop laughing at the end. 

It was supposed to be 'funny', it was a sad poem. You know, about how you and I live in different worlds, you're the prince and I'm the commoner, I love you but you probably don't know about me, blahblahblah. 
Our Malay Teacher wrote 'Sedihnya!' (So sad!) at the end. 

What he didn't know what that Am* was a K-POP fan, and she wrote that to one of her favourite celebrities. 
It may not sound funny, but it WAS. X'DX'D I apologise for the fact I don't know how to make people laugh when I'm writing. 

Another thing, At* and I were talking, and she started saying stuff about her mom being a total 'daredevil'. Her mom loves rollercoasters and such, while At* is like 'No way!'. 

Such an awesome mom 0.0 

No promises I'll be like that, but you can maybe count on it! CX My lucky (?) kids.. 

So continuing, I started talking about how I wanted to skydive one day, and then At* said she wanted to bungee jump. Ai*, who had come into the conversation, said she hated rollercoasters and dangerous stuff like that because she was.. afraid of dying? I dunno. She started lecturing us about all the accidents and reports. Sorry, Ai*. I still love em'. 
    Then, At* said that nowadays they make people bungee jump over water, THEN she continued "Because if they don't they from the jump, they die from drowning!" Both of us laughed so hard at that moment. HEY, it's not because we enjoy the thought of people drowning, its how she said it at that moment that was funny. Haaaa~~~

Ugghhh tomorrow I have that MSSD running to do. 5km! Well, its the same as the Cross Country run, but N* told me that they don't give you water TT^TT 

I'll just have to try, I guess :D GAMBATTE-'TTEBAYO!!!

Also, I still haven't decided if I wanna join that Tahfiz class.. and they're going to reshuffle the people who are going there on MONDAY.. Eep. 

I'll do it on Monday :'D

Lastly, I just listened to 'Sakura Addiction' and 'Night Star' by HIbari Kyoya and Rokudo Mukuro, and 'Kufufu No Fu' by Rokudo Mukuro.. *fangirls* X3X3X3

I predict I'll tell you about tomorrow.. so until then! 
Kufufu No Fu!~

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

This is Me 'Thinking Too Hard'

21/1/2014. Tuesday. 7.36pm

Lots of things have been going through my mind today. Where shall I begin? 

Uh, I think first of all, I'll tell you I've been chosen to be in the MSSDs this Saturday! (When I heard it was this Saturday, I was like 'WHAAAAAATTTT??!!!'. I mean, seriously! That is definitely not enough time for me to train and whatnot.) 
     I guess I'm glad, but when the thought of you just being in because those with potential didn't bother PLUS battling lots of other schools who train harder than our school does.. Really demotivates ya. TT^TT 

Anyway, like the title of this post says, I've been thinking. 

1) Well, now I have to decide whether or not to join the 'Tahfiz Class' this year. By tomorrow. Actually, I have no idea when its due. But soon. REALLY SOON. 
    The Tahfiz class is basically a class where people who want to devote more time to the Qur'an go. Of course we still learn the same syllabus, but a little faster than the other in hopes to keep up.. or is it the fact that we learn slower that we learn faster? bhjdsbhdsbhdshs idk anymore. Just try to get it. 
    So my decision now is to join or not. The other 4 girls who were also 'chosen' have already sent their forms. I'm the only one now. 
   Here is why I want to join, but I also don't want to join...:

Join!: -N* and S* are there! (They're mah best buds :D) 
         - There are only us five girls and a few boys. (More space!)
         - I don't have to deal with the people I don't like.. well, I do.. but only during                   break.
        - It's pretty good bcuz now I can focuz on becoming a Hafizah! (a female who has                memorised the whole Qur'an.) 
        - We'll be learning using the ELP program, where the students learn 'faster' than the             others and go on trips and etc..
       - We'll graduate when we're Form 4, I think? (Next 2 years~)

X wanna join..: -N* AND S* ARE THERE (now I have to compete against the best                         student in our form (which I have been trying to do so for the past 3 years)                          and the smartest math girl?? (she is pretty smart in other aspects, I                                   guess..))
                      -I'm not going to be with Ai* anymore TT^TT 
                        (Here is my explanation for that. You see, Ai* is my really, really, really, really, REALLY x1000000000 'good friend'. I wish I could call her my best friend, but I can't, because she doesn't feel that way.. plus she has her own best friends :'). I really like to talk to Ai*, because she's so funny and it's fun to talk to her! Plus, she and I have a lot of the same interests ;) So, I'll really miss her if I go to Tahfiz class.. I can still meet her during break, but I can't laugh around and talk with her during free time in class like these past few weeks.. That makes me really sad, honestly. must be thinking that this is a pretty dumb reason, but its kinda important to me. I got really happy at the fact Ai* got 'mad' at me when I told her I was thinking of leaving. She even called me her 'nakama' (companion in Japanese). :D:D:D:D:D 
    She told me that she respected my choice whether I was leaving or not, so... yeah. 
                    -I already like my class, really. 

TT^TT It looks like the advantages beat the disadvantages. Why did I do a crying face. 

2!) Ai* told me in the 'hall' just now, that when she looks at N* and I together, she sees 'childhood friends' but not 'close friends'. 

   So, I don't have any close friends?  

I guess that's not the case, but I feel that I'm close with N*. How do you appear to be close to someone?? 
   Childhood friends but not close friends? I don't understand. 

But I guess it's the fact that I feel we're close that matters ;) 

ALSO, hahahahaha guess what happened today!!
So, I'm a prefect at school, and next Thursday is the prefect investiture. 
The prefect investiture is basically some 'appreciation day' for the Prefects. 
My sister (the head prefect) told us we were getting gold and black JERSEYS!!

Yay!! It's something to be excited about, whaaattt :D:D:D

My sister asked me at school just now what number I wanted on the back. 

I SAID 27. 


If you watch, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, you'll understand what I mean X3

27 is the number of the main character always 'has', I guess. Like on his clothes, his jacket number he always wears is '27', the gloves he wears (watch the anime) has '27' on it. In fanfictions, for some reason every main character has a number, so to find out what the pairing is in the story (mostly yaoi...) you look at the description. (1827 = KyoyaxTsuna, etc)

I'm pretty happy. 
But still confused about what my decision should be though... 

Now I have to go and publish this, then erase this from the history to prevent my siblings from finding out about this blog. Which they probs will soon. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER>

So, Ja Ne!~~ (See ya!) 

{I guess you can connect the dots and find out I am an otaku. Now you'll understand in my future posts.. Bai.} 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Isn't As Fun As I Thought..

13th Jan 2014. 

So, you wanna know what isn't fun? 

Staying home. 

Ya know, I pictured it'd be much better than what I'm doing right now. 
I think I'm bored and lonely T^T Plus, now I have homework to do -,- 

Oh well, the jokes' on me, I guess... *defeated* 

Now, I'm just sitting on my sister's bed with a computer on my lap, unbathed and its already 1pm (don't follow my example in this, kids!). 

It's so quiet and boring T^T I should've gone to school..

To see my friends, of course. 

I guess I have some cool stuff to write about. 

You know that Cross Country I was practising for? 

I got Number 5 for the 5km run!! Boo yah! 

I thought I'd get somwhere in the 'teens' (mind you, I mean numbers like thirTEEN, forTEEN, etc..) because of what looked like a lot of people in front of me. 

I would have been 4th, but the girl in front of me took advantage of how tired I was when I was running up the hill T^T 

OH well, still top 5, right :D

But there are downsides to that, see? 

Now I have to enter the MSSDs. 

See, the reason why they do this CC thing, is to find out who has potential to represent the school. The problem is, the people with potential might just be too lazy. 

I don't wanna feel that I won because some people were lazy, alrite? -_________-

Also the downside, now everywhere on my body hurts. 
Thighs, stomach, elbow joints.. yep. 

Oh well, its also my fault. I kinda forced myself to make sure I would win.. 

DETERMINATION!!!! (Y) <--- now you can take my example kids (y)(y)(y)(y)

Oh yeah, the MSSDs (Majlis Sukan Sekolah Daerah, I think? Uh, National School Sports Program?) where you have to run with a bunch of schools and the winner will represent the country and yadayadayada. 

Oh boy, I definitely won't survive. *defeated again* 

Er, now I have to eat lunch and take a bath, so..

Bai. 0------0

"Well, that was a short post."
"Well I'm sorry my life is so BORING!"
"Then, make it interesting, you dimwit!"
"Don't call me 'dimwit', baka!" 
"Who're you calling 'baka', dimwit?"


Oh yeah, kids.
If you ever think "Mom used to be so lame." or "She's trying too hard." 
Internet, Anime, Your Phone, whatever. 
*watches you* 
LOL jk.. 

or at least, Mom must be cool now, right? ;) 
Wait, right? 

Idk, I x tell the future -,-