Monday, August 4, 2014

Today is Monday.

4th August 2014, Monday. 
Start: 8.42 PM 

I wish they made an extra week-holiday, but they didn't. //cries 
So today I had to get up and go to school ((/ ̄▽ ̄))/ 

Writing this.. Should I post everyday? Last post I felt like I should just post once a week, but then I'd probably forget a lot..

Ah, sorry-- Went to pray Isya' ^^ 

So I guess I'll just post as much as I like! Nyehehehe X3 

Well, today was kinda unenventful. The first two periods I had were missed cuz the teachers weren't in the classroom, so we just did our own thing. 
During part of that time, my friend and I fangirled a bit about this one manga I recommended to her that she also fell in love with (=゚ω゚)ノ (Ouran Koukou Houstu Bu! Have I said that already..?) We were discussing the characters and which one was 'ours' lol XD That's what you get with fangirls ;) 

(By the way, I'm part of the Hitachiin family (≧∇≦)) 

N didn't come today, which was kinda sad (Though I'll never tell her that 💁) But it was okay, because they are my other friends too :) 

My friend asked me for advice today, which was kinda scary for me because I am TERRIBLE AT GIVING ADVICE (Or so I think :/ ) and I'm afraid I'll give bad advice (u_u) Though when I told her that she probs shouldn't come to me for advice she said that I actually give good advice and even if I don't she's more comfortable talking to me than anyone else in my class~ //sparklyeyes ^^ Aww, I'm flattered ;) 

I still don't believe her though ( ̄▽ ̄)

During PE, we had to do some exercise for this one activity, and I can't remember the name ==' But I think in summary se had to go up and down a bench (One foot up, and then go back down and repeat) in 3 minutes owo I'm pretty proud of myself for doing it 102 times in 3 min! :DDDD  
After that I actually had Badminton today, but I decided to miss it cuz of a bad migraine.. But at 5.20, my two friends came over to tell me the bus was about to leave and I should hurry! I was kinda touched by their gesture to come tell me, but I didnt reaaalllyy wanna go ( ̄▽ ̄) But then it would have been a waste of their time, so I decided to get ready and get to it. 
When I got to school, my two friends Q and A who were sitting on the stairs (they  are also in the Badminton club) 'scolded' me for being late. They were actually the ones who told my two other friends to come fetch me and then they waited for me!! 
 When we rushed to the place where the van should have been, it was goneeeee! T^T 

For some reason the way I'm telling it makes me sound like this is a storybook..

Anyways, I felt really bad they missed Badminton because of me! I said sorry a lot, and they said it was fine, but I still didn't feel good ;--; We ended up walking to the Netball court where the netball team was  playing and also where our Form 2 friends were to kill some time. 
I honestly wanted to go home, but I'd feel bad for making them miss Badminton and then having the nerve to leave them at school TwT 

I was mostly worried about A, because when we were younger she used to sulk a lot about these kinds of things.. But she seemed pretty okay.. With her phone and earphones ( ̄▽ ̄) 

Later the rest of the club went home early, and the only people left from the team where form 2s. At first I didn't wanna play, but Q gave me a little push and I gave in -3- 
It was fun actually! Lol some girls had to become two things at once bcuz there x enough players >< I was GA (y) 
I felt less bad after playing, bcuz I guess I felt I didn't waste A and Q's time when they were supposed to be at badminton ;--; :) 
Alhamdulillah they really weren't mad, but that doesn't mean I won't make it up to them :D 

That's all for today I think.. I gotta get some work done! 

(I shud remember to end every post like that..) 

End: 9.24 PM !(◎_◎;)

Saturday, August 2, 2014


2nd August 2014, Saturday. 
Start:  8.51PM 

Can that even be a title? I wonder if you'll be able to see it on the computer.. 
Anyway, hi kids! (I sound so old when I say that.. Maybe I should just say 'readers'.. I'll say kids when I actually have em 👍) Hi, readers! Sorry for the hiatus (Not that anyone was keeping up anyways hahaha), but I'm back! 

I got a new phone for my birthday, and it has lots of memory so I can frequently remember to update now, YEAH! 

Oh, and SELAMAT HARI RAYA! Eid Mubarak everyone! Yesterday I came back from Nenek's house.. (Hmm.. This is for my kids, right? So I'll say things the way I want my kids to hear ^^.. Sorry other readers..?) Okay, fine. Basically, my grandma's house in Johor. We were there from Sunday to yesterday! XD It was quite fun! 
The whole family gathered at the house and we took a picture together! Also, we got to see all our little cousins, of course~ 
My siblings, my 3 cousins and I have a large age gap between us and our other cousins on our dad's side. While we are (Right now) 19 to 10, the rest are 8 to 3, so sadly, we don't connect much :/ This is because my dad has 5 other siblings, and the age gap between the others are large, so it went down into his children as well. 

I feel bad for being anti-social a bit while we were there (Bad effects of having internet!!), but I'll try harder next time! 
We got lots of duit raya heheheeh -w- I'm gonna save it for important stuff! 

Speaking of money, I have found out I am very indecisive about things ;--; For eg, during Ramadhan last month, there was an Iktikaf at the university during the last week, and one of those days I went to the 'grocery shop' with my friend, and I totally couldn't decide what I should have bought at the time! Digestive biscuits or HobNobs? Mineral water or milk? And when we went to the bazaar after that, "This tudung or that tudung?" 

I am really afraid of wasting money >~< 

Oh yeah! The other day my brother called me 'Gedik'. To be precise, he and his friend decided together that the way I act is 'gedik'. He said the way I go "Reaally??" and stuff sounds gedik. Which in my head did NOT because for us girls, you don't classify that as gedik. But to my brother who is more intellectual than he should be for his age, if I said that to him it would probably sound like I was just defending myself by saying all girls act like that.. 
But honestly, really, I was kinda reflective and depressed about it at first. Me? Gedik? I had assumed the way I acted was more 'upbeat and happy', but that sounds kinda vain, huh? Frankly, if he thought I was gedik, he should see other girls! Not to bring them down, but seriously! 
Me being me, (who doesn't remember things like that for long lol), I forgot about it, and when I did (a few weeks later..) I consulted my sister and my 'therapist' best friend. 

My sister said that the way I act is not gedik, and agreed that if it was like that, all girls are gedik, which we know we all are (heheheh). My therapist best friend said more or less the same thing. It made  me feel better (I gave them hugs~) and obviously I forgot about it again ( ̄▽ ̄)
Speaking about me forgetting things, I remember during the KRS camp there was an honest talk-activity called 'Hot Chair' or something, where the whole group has to honestly say what they feel about each person. There wasn't much time, and I was the last person, so one of the only things they wrote about me was 'Blur'. 

Thanks. -3- 

Lol Speaking of blur, it reminds me of the time in class when one of the boys teased us but N and I laughed it off and sarcastically joked, and Q said she admired me for just laughing it off like that.. Which reminds me of the time on the day I came to Iktikaf (I missed the first two days) where S told me that R and Q were fighting to be my fans ( ̄▽ ̄)
Frankly, its flattering but also.. 'Sorry, I don't want fans..' 

During the Iktikaf N wasn't there as she had to leave early, so I felt pretty lonely even though S was there, too. It was nice when all my batchmates hung around me together :) But you could say I missed N.. BUT ILL NEVER TELL THAT TO HER FACE HAH 

Thinking about Raya, im kinda sad we didnt get to go to the jamuan that day with my Moms side ;--; but oh well :) 

Oh yeah! I recently finished this one manga, and it's super funny and  angsty T^T It's Ouran KouKou Houstu Bu! AKA Ouran High School Host Club ;) My 2 friends read it after I recommended it to them, and now we have the OHSHC Alliance! Nyeheheheheh

I'll remember to update frequently now so that I don't jump from topic to topic and forget lots of events ( ̄▽ ̄) 

I forgot to add!! Remember a few posts back I mentioned that I was having my FS Exams? Well, I got #1 and I finally beat my rival, N!! After 7 long years, someone has broken her record //sparkles YATTA! Alhamdulillah!! 

Anyways, in sya allah, I'll be back soon! 
End: 2nd August 2014, 10.12 PM (I took a loonnggg break somewhere in the middle -3-)