Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015 is here!

Date: 1st January 2015, Thursday 
Start: 12.38am 

As the title says.. 

haPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONNEE! It's officially 2015, and now everyone has to get used to writing '2015' instead of '2014' and putting up with messing up what year it is XD 
May Allah make this year better than last year, accept our do'as and help us start fresh with this new chapter! 
In sya allah we'll stop procrastinating and try to reach our gooaalss owo 
Reach for the stars, or to infinity and beyond! X))) 
{my eyes are getting droopy.. Ahahaha //yawn} 

Also, ive finally started a dream journal! I think having one of these is very interesting <3 you (almost) dont forget your dreams and you can always reread them and wonder 'how did thAT happen??' And depending on the dream youll either laugh about it or get extremely weirded out by your self (υ◉ω◉υ) #sofun 
I already have 2 long entries XD 

Anyway, happy new year again and goodnight everyone! <3 
Assalaamu'alaikum :) 


Sunday, December 21, 2014

International Horse Show

Date: 22nd December 2014, Monday 
Start: 6.36pm

Waiting for one of my apps to finish loading.. 

Anyway, I remember something now! :D
It was in September and I didn't write anything then ahahahahaa.. 

On the 27th of September, there was the International Horse Show! My best friend and I joined, along with some kids from the Vocational students. We trained intensely for weeks before, not stopping even in the rain! 
The actual thing was pretty cool :DDD There were food trucks and everything! I had a lot of crepes from this one food truck (~-w-)~ 
My dressages (I was entering 2) were on 2 separate days, so I could somewhat 'relax' on the day I didn't have it. AARRGHHH i wish i told this right after i had it because i really cant remember much OTL 
On my first dressage the weather wad pretty bad and my horse went out of the arena, so I was disqualified. Which was pretty sad TT^TT I cried in front of the Vocational students and my mom which was embarraasssiinnggggg /(>~<)\ AAGHHHHHH I guess I was pretty disappointed in myself and what happened because I wanted to do my best TuT Oh well, that was my first one anyway so I can always do it again :) 
My 2nd one was a little better; the horse went out of control again but I managed to continue :) The judge was also nice enough to let me continue because she understood that the conditions weRE pretty bad for the horse //phew 
I remember that I was vveerrrrrRRRYYYYYYYYYYY awkward with the Vocational students (especially the guys) because they were Form 5 and they spoke in Malay a lot and it was just rly weird O.o I can imagine im still pretty awkward ( ̄▽ ̄) They were really nice to me and my friend though! >w< 

  As for present times, rn I'm reading this one Manwha called 'One Last God Kubera' or 'Kubera' for short. Its rly sad and feel-ey and depressing and my heart is just //squeeze (இдஇ`。) Dahlah im also listening to this japanese song called 'Hirari Hirari' (Flowing, flowing) which is also a sad, piano song on repeat TTwTT
I love that theres this one yandere in the manwha tho lol <3 
Recently theres also this other manga or rather anime thats pretty sad but touching too ⁽⁽(ཀ д ཀ)⁾⁾
Its called Donten Ni Warau (Laughing Under the Clouds) but theres nothing to 'warau' abooouuuutt :;(∩´﹏`∩);:
There are traitors and deaths and plot twists evERYWHERREEE gAHHH 

  Also, my friend's birthday is today! I stayed up until 12AM because I wanted to be the first one to say it to her X) She woke up 7 hours later and she was really touched <3 Mwah love ya tooo~ B))) 

That's about it I guess! My mom said we'd go out at 3pm but I guess thats not happening //sadface 

Assalamu'alaikum and ciao!~ 

End: 6.50pm 

These past 2 months~

Date: 21st December 2014, Sunday 
Start: 6.28pm 

//sigh Originally I had written a lot yesterday, but I didn't save it OTL Which means I have to rEWRITE IT ALL again TT^TT 

There's gonna be a laaarrgee time skip between my last post and this post XD 
   So, let's get starteedddd! 


1) After the exams
•I originally wanted to write this when it was AFTER THE EXAMS, but as you can tell I either forgot or I was lazy XD Anyway, while waiting for all of our results, the whole school was pretty laidback. Nothing to learn after the exams, so my friends and I played card games a LOT XDD We played Snap, Liar, Monopoly Deal, Uno, Boggle Slam and Old Maid. I remember we played Monopoly Deal evERY DAY o(`ω´ )o Haha lol XD We still had to come to school though, because of course you can't exactly skip school. Our class moved to the main building becauss they wanted to use our class for some SPM students, so we were in the floating class next to 2D. Fun times..~ X) 

2) Performance Day and Chrysalis Nightt 
• My school's performance day was at Dewan Sri Perdana, which was surprisingly close to my school! Makes it easier for the parents to come I guess..
I remember that the bathrooms were really fancy and everyone was being really jakun, because they had automatic doors (=゚ω゚)ノ 
This year I finally got to beat my rival too!! TWICE!! 💪💪💪 I got No.1 for both semesters, meaning I got 'Best Overall Form 2' as well -w- I also  got 'Best for Science' and 'Best for Geography'! 
I also remember that I saw one of my old.. - Uh, crushes? That changed schools- and I bolted to the front of the hall. Not that I like him anymore if that's what you're thinking ( ̄▽ ̄) I'm just not ready to talk face to face or even make eye contact //sweatdrop 

Chrysalis Night was for our school's 20th anniversary! It was the first one evER, and basically it was a night full of performances and special guests.. I did a KRS performance with some of my seniors and friends :) It was held in the same hall as the Performance Day. The dikirbarat by the senior guys was really cool X)) 

3) Leadership Camp 
• This was around the end of November I think? It was a Tahfiz and Prefect Camp at Dusun Eco Resort. We spent 3 days there I think.. It was also kinda laidback XD We had 5 meals a day in the canteen and we slept in cabins. There were bunk beds and I slept on the top one under the fan 👍👍👍 


1) My Sleepover 
• I'll say that quite a lot of things happened in December! On the 2nd of December, my friends and I had a sleepover at my house (of course). We planned this since long ago, because we wanted to have a 'movie night'. Reserved for my classmates and I only (6 ppl) B) 
Unfortunately, one couldn't make it and two of em couldn't sleep over (but they could come for the next day). So it was just my other two friends and I. It was kinda fun XD We had smores and fruits and popcorn, and I insisted we watched the movies theyve neVER SEEN B4 like Coraline and Anastasia 
The next day my other 2 friends came, and we went outside when it was hot and sunny and we played with water balloons and the hose :DDD We also took videos with my phone in slow moe and sent pictures to my friend who didnt come XDDD and then we watched another movie my friends have never watched (Hercules -seriously they need tah get with da timmeesss 😆😆😆) We also had a friendship quiz where if you get the answer wrong the opponent gets to draw on your face with face paint (now thAT was fun😂) 

2) The Majestic Hotel 
• I can't remember exactly when whAT  happened, but we went to the Majestic in December because my mom went to see  Anuar Zain's concert. My mom also got a discount and we got a room in the grAND SUITE B)))) <3 It was on the highest floor and there was a living room and 2 bedrooms and the view was.. Not that amazing actually, but it was still pretty sweet :DDD The soap and shampoo were pretty cool; the shampoo smelled like cucumber-mint, the conditioner of watermelon, the soap of pomelo and i cant remember what the lotion smelled like.. They should have chosen better fruits to use tho TuT 

3) PRINT 2014 
• This was pretty recent, in fact i came back from it like, 2 days ago. PRINT stands for PeRkemahan INTernational. It was basically a KRS camp with lots of competitions between Indonesia, Thailand and lots of schools in Malaysia. We trained from the 8th and did a lot of Kawad and BaSeD training. It was our first time joining PRINT, so we didn't rly expect ourselves to win ^^ 
There were a lot of competitions, like orienteering, kawad, based, masakan rimba, gajet, pc kem kraf and an obsrace. We only entered kawad, BaSeD, kem kraf, pc, masakan rimba and orienteering. The only thing I didn't join was masakan rimba. It was really fun! Alhamdulillah we used a dapur instead of having to make our own fire //sighofrelief So we ate well X) All the other schools must have been told beforehand or were at PRINT before, because they were sO much more prepared than we were OTL They brought their own bamboo and a lot of water, when we foRGOT TO BRING WATER ( ̄▽ ̄') 
As I thought we didn't win anything, but we dID take a lot of pictures and it we have a lot of memories <3 Plus I'm reeaaALLYY tan now (╥ᆺ╥;)

So yeah! That's all I can remember XD Now I can focus on here and now ((finally) ) OTL 💪💪💪 I'll write more if I remember some more X) 

Assalamu'alaikum! <3 

End: 8pm